Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I walked into the court with ks leon yadi and andre playing for like 1 hour. Basically put my bag down and picked up a racket and went on to play. Nothing much really... Except for the baseball hitter record. HAll of fame coming.

Chayadi-4 balls

So i guess yadi is the winner. In causing the balls to go phewww over to st'gab primary school.

Saw them playing soccer with it. Well they should make a tennis team since there will be many free balls in the future.

Went back to ks house to play guitar hero and odst halo. Got myself (pwn) totally. Like no talent in instrumental stuff. Halo, different case.

Couple of old games were played too. Seriously get me thinking about some other old friends. Old mates whom i have not taken the initiative to call upon. My bad indeed, i will try.

Back to the main point. Had a heavy dinner, apparently just giving other people a chance of reminder that i have got high metabolism rate. Yes i freaking eat a lot and i do not grow fat.

If you really want to know how much can i really eat. My usual for macs will be a filet-o-fish student meal up size change the drink to ice milo plus a mac spicy burger without the meal. After which if i am still hungry i will call for a double cheeseburger.

If you really want to know why do i like eating that much. I eat more when i am troubled. Eating can help me cure it. So if you see me eating a lot that means something is going on.

Woah woah woah, long post it is. Shall end it off here cause i do not want to be called naggy.

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